I know this is radical, but, I've always hated (although it never stopped me from using them) immunity spells. Especially Prot. Good/Evil, as it negates such a huge spectrum of things that afflict a target. I'd really just like to get rid of them entirely, or at the very least remove the immunity part and have it add in perhaps a bonus to save against certain related effects.
Personally, i'd rather keep it the way it is in most places; no immunity items (few exceptions), but keep the warding. As this is mostly going to be PVE, it's not that huge of a deal, and allowing for a mind ward isn't exactly game breaking. Its not like you can (or should) walk around with the wards up 24/ 7 anyhow.
Protection from Good/Evil are really powerful (rp-wise, anyway), for being first level spells. But they're also kinda necessary to represent divine protection from the opposite alignment's powers. Sure, they crimp people's ability to inflict others with mental effects (or themselves), but I'm not sure how you'd fix a lot of such effects without a similar warding.
Of course, my pet peeve against immunity spells is the whole party warding with immunity to x-element. This is mostly because you get the people who ward against, say, fire, and then start hopping around in lava like its no big deal. Since its a really long lasting spell with no limits, it does away with many planar challenges (at a level when you're just coming into the power range to be able to go planeswalking) with almost no effort.
Honestly Taurus, most of the stuff that makes you immune also lasts for a heck of a long time. Usually hours or 24 yours at time. I think the only reason more people don't run around in cities having Prot. Evil/Good up is becuase of the obvious spell effect it puts on you, which tends to detract from it's rp value.
Actually, the spell effect thing is really easily dealt with. There's an override online....somewhere.... that tones down the buff visuals. I'll post it when I can find it again, but its really great. Suggest everyone here use it too.
Anyhow, IF we do decide to knock around the immunity spells (which I'd rather we did not), I would at the least like the Protection Vs. ALignment spells to be left in tact.
Damn you Taurus! You saw through my hidden "get rid of the alignment protection spell" agenda that was in the guise of "get rid of immunity spells" agenda.
Very well. If you truly like them, I'll back off and deal with it. I mean, I've been dealing with it for about a decade now, between nwn1 and 2, so, I suppose I can do so without too many more nights spent crying into my pillow in frustration...
I would love to have buff visuals toned down in general, but it's a little weird if you tone them down and others don't use the same override. Or it can be. I'd love to make it just a standard part of playing on the server, but, I'm sure someone must love all those effects.
If you happen to remember what the override is called, please let me know!
We could just put said override in the general special effects hak. Planes require access to lots of special effects anyway, and they're small, so it being standard shouldn't hurt.
I've honestly been thinking of having the over rides installed standard for the server. since a lot of the visuals are on spells that in all actuality people would not be able to see.
Install those overrides as a standard. They do it on dalelands and I think its great. 90% of all spell buffs technically probably shouldn't have visual effects anyways. We all know they only did that so that the players could oocly distinguish what they had on their characters... Although I would hope most remember what buffs they used.