I've seen this done on a few other servers, but lower the Wisdom requirement to get Dragon Shape a bit. A 29 is incrediby difficult to get. Changes I've seen generally include lowering the Wisdom requirement to 27, which still takes a ton of deciated Wisdom buffing.
I agree with this, with the current state it's in, only aasimar and grey orcs can get dragonshape without investing all of their epic feats into great wisdom. It would also be nice to have a good dragonshape implemented as well, for those druids who don't want to appear to be evil.
I have no problem with dragon shapes that are of the metallic spectrum. I'd also love gem shapes, but those dragons probably don't exist currently in the game engine (alas).
You can get the stats right? We can always write up custom dragon types and if anything required special properties we could script the properties to attach. The only downside to going beyond the defaults is that you aren't going to have the appearance for the creature. But that is where someone with a lot of artistic inclination could make one from scratch.
Well as long as people don't need every dragon color, we do have a few options, and can fake a little bit with tinting and effects (ok, its lame looking sometimes, but its better than nothing!).