OCC : This is a thread everyone can post the rumors they wish, but please try to avoid putting loads of fake rumors its mostly a thread to allow people to know what is going on, and get thier attention on what everyone says (PCs and/or NPCs), you can be as shady as you wish of course. Of course it's also a good place to hint something if you're DMing, I'll put everything regarding a possible event in blue.
- The people who discovered the jammer, says that it has a yet unkown and mysterious sentient core able to do accomplish several tasks, it also said it has a strange way of talking and even a bit of humour.
- Some of the newly recruited cleaners have found that there's some blood on the deck that it's quite fresh.
- The cleaning task of the ship is working slowly, some of the cleaners sick of the smell grumbled that someone with some magic profeciency could do this a way lot quicker.
-- Edited by Hydra on Monday 31st of December 2012 12:19:45 AM
Vilanth smirks to herself due to the complaints but pitches in with the cleaning, commenting to those she was working with, "Relying to heavily on Magic can and will cause issue when you find yourself unable to use it, Far better to know your personal capabilities than relying on Magic to do everything for you." Vilanth would make it a point to examine the areas where the older blood was, and potentially take samples if possible.
The other day, the blackguard Raven bought aboard a curious looking individual in tribal leathers and a spear on her back, giving her a tour of the ship before ending up on the lower deck scouring through the quarters.
It said that the newly appointed quartermaster has been seen carried over by a Hildmor to the infirmary. Then the man called a cleric to take care of her. The scream "Help me" resonated once in the ship corridors, before everything went silent. After a while the cleric left, without any comments.
-- Edited by Hydra on Monday 4th of February 2013 02:10:44 AM