Polymorph and Shapechange
Admittedly, this is mostly for my own enterainment, but, I'd love to see some more (or any) goodly forms that could be taken on by these spells. And just more variety in general. If there is any interest in this,I could looking into and suggesting possible additions.
Tone Down Fear
One of the most irritating things in a DnD game of any sort is loosing control of your PC to a Fear effect. Worse is when said PC is above level 10 and has at that point presumably seen enough that he's not going to run ****less to a corner gibbering like he just saw the Far Realm. While I am certainly not sayi...
Taurus Daggerknight
Immunity Spells
I know this is radical, but, I've always hated (although it never stopped me from using them) immunity spells. Especially Prot. Good/Evil, as it negates such a huge spectrum of things that afflict a target. I'd really just like to get rid of them entirely, or at the very least remove the immunity part...
Polymorph Other
It would be wonderful to have a spell that worked like Polymorph self, but could work on someone else. I'm not sure how this wold be scripted, but I imagine you could find the basic outline for the code if you looked at the Mass Fowl epic spell. Actually, I'd be happy with just being able to turn other cre...