Could I get a list of what projects are being worked on please? I'm very disorganized right now and am trying to figuer out what is and is not being worked on and what needs to be focused on. This way we can colaberate and bounce Ideas off of eachother or discuss other things that need to be discussed with getting this project developing further.
I have the following on my todo list: - Area compilation (searching the vault for areas, building hub town, spelljammer interior, etc.)--95% done as of tonight - Hub town basics (store for healing potions and other consumables, possibly NPCs if I can't get anyone else to do it)--not started - Spelljammer travel--not started - Hak compilation--30% done?
I'm working on getting my bartending license. I'm supposed to have fifteen drinks memorized by Monday and I'm kinda worried about it! Does anyone have any tips?