Hello there everyone! This is a thread for people to submit event requests or ideas. Any interested DM may pick them up. Thank you and please leave tips :P
Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible twit... me. You are just another short-sighted imbecile with your sorry excuse for science and I would even allow you to exist if you weren't so annoying. Tick-tock...This substance will purge you of what's left of your miserable wits, making you a perfect, docile, obedient specimen for my tests. Now, close your eyes...and submit to the purpose...
I want Ziguard to have an arch-nemesis. His Moriarty if you will. This would basically mean a brilliant and incredibly eccentric individual, often his actions leaving you thinking 0_0, with the biggest differences being that he would likely favor red and black clothing, and he would have no sense of morality or regard for life.
His (or Her) motives would always lie in trying to push experimentation to it's most extreme limitations. Not precisely for power, although power is of course good to have, but simply to further his knowledge of everything, which is ultimately the only real reason to exist at all (in his or her mind).