So, mr. Taurus kindly offered to remake my blackguard's evil longsword because frankly, the model doesn't appear (which I may have forgotten to thank, so thank you!).
Then I discovered that instead of getting an evil, negative energy VFX sword, it turned my character into a red light district. Then I found out that roughly every weapon VFX I had is gone... and he said he can't edit it. So instead of fire, ice, holy glows and sonic waves, we got what... lights which strain low end graphics cards even more and turns the party into a walking christmas party...?
Adding mods which "limit" customizing rather than expand it is like salting your tea. It's ****ing, ****ing, ****ing bad, bad, bad. I won't even say it's pointless. Please remove it, put it on execution by a firing squad and deny it the right for the last smoke. Anything that turns pulsating waves of evil negative energy into uneditable, girly red light deserves to die.
I'll add to this. See, lights of various colors can be added as separate effects when such is appropriate. In the case of this mod, it's...not. See, pure negative enery is not represented by...well, red. It's void, dark and...cold. Not only is that mod unnecessary but it's also a tad...wrong. Of all things, negative energy doesn't really need light of any color.
I myself see no reasons for it to be there due to adding a new VFX to an appropriate weapon achieves the same thing when suchs light is truly needed. I don't think we got rid of Gerbil Ball Buffs just yet and adding lights ontop of that doesn't really sound like a good idea.
Far as I know the VFX was not something we added or changed onthe server.. I could be wrong. But being rude in pointing this out does not inspire Mimi Or Taurus, let alone myself in continuing with this project. On top of it allit makes me realize how self centered some folks are when things are not as they expect them to be. Be polite next time you have an issue and maybe I won't over react.
I think Emiryn was commenting on the manner in which you reported the problem, not the report itself. I'm all for prompt bug reports! But certain turns of phrase don't translate very well in text.
We do have different effect mods being applied, but unfortunately they are not doing quite what they were intended to do (they were supposed to trade off the default overly-shiny obnoxious buff effects with occasional bursts of pretty lights, among other things). It is on my list o' things to fix.