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Topic: Characters and their respective special abilities

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Lord of the Forge
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Characters and their respective special abilities

So, at this point it's pretty clear that everyone on board is, IC, wierd even by DnD universe standards :P. More specifically, a lot of our characters have certain qualities or abilities that are not neccisarily a part of the actual base classes, PRC's or races (or are in PNP but have never shown up in NWN 2). 

In the interest of keeping things balanced and fair during our play- and so that everyones on the same page and doesnt feel like other people are god-moding- I'd like everyone to list their character's here, along with their unique abilities. NOTE: this is  a discussion forum, so as such everything is very much subject to debate till we can all agree on whether whats listed is acceptable or not, so be prepared to be told if certain abilities will not be permitted for whatever reason. 

Also, if you have an ability that is translated in game by way of a standard power, please list accordingly. 




Shall start off mysef:


Name: Dace Andor

Race: Human/ Fey/ Fiend hybrid (mutations progressing)

Unique characteristics: 

1) Living Vampire: Dace's mutations have led to his gaining sustenance from blood rather than normal food. He -can- eat said food, but it does nothing but provide taste for him. He can feed in either of two ways; either by directly biting and draining prey the traditional way, or by employing a vampiric feast power that rends the victim apart, after which the blood is absorbed.  Feeding tends to heal most wounds and reinvigorate him. 

2) Energy Vampirism: Dace is able to sustain himself in a far more limmited capacity by feeding off of magical energies (mechanically, this transaltes into the Devour Magic invocation). While this can patch up some wounds and does grant something of a pick-me-up, it doesn't grant him nearly as much as blood does, and at best it can stave off the hunger for just a little while longer. He has been able to sustain himselfon magic alone less and less. 

3) Magic reliant: The mutations have changed him enough to where he cannot survive for long in an anti-magic environment. Iti s unknown exactly how long he can go on in such places, but he starts to suffocate and experiance intense pain the longer he's cut off from a magical source, most likely ultimately resulting in death. 

4) Soul Eater: When the fiend inside is uninhibited, it draws on the souls/ essence of a victim Dace feeds on. This normally only occurs when the victim is sufficiently weakened and cannot resist the assault (mechanical translation; if the victim is killed by vampiric feast). Soul feeding is far more enriching than blood feeding, but Dace avoids it as much as possible, as it possibly strengthens the fiend and worsens the mutations. 

5) Soul bound: The serpents fusing with Dace makes it difficult- if not impossible- for another to claim his soul til the fiend is removed, for better or worse. WHile it serves as a shield against such assaults, it also means that if he dies, he's not going to a better place at all. 

6) Healing factor: Dace is able to regenerate wounds without feeding, though this only happens in bursts every few hours (Fiendish Resiliance). 

7) Speach Stone: This is probably something everyone will get, but just so its noted; he, Sasha and Kala each have speach stones keyed to each other. They function as remote communication tools that work provided each recipient is on the same plane. 

8) Physical Resiliance and changes: Comes with the Warlock class, played as part of the changes. Basically, a little more resistant to stabbiness unless its cold iron. In addition to this, his eyes can pierce through invisibility enchantments (see the unseen). 

He is also able to conceal himself both in shadows (limmited degree, due to his lack of formal training) and magically.

Finally, he is able to move supernaturally fast (Flee the scene).  

-- Edited by Taurus Daggerknight on Friday 30th of November 2012 04:54:01 PM



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Lord Reppington of Reptopia
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All of the stuff in this thread is information for OOC clarifications and is not known IC unless appropriate.

Name: Hildmor d'Kridis.

Race: Augmented Human / Equivalent of a Tanthul Shade.

Special characteristics:

1)Clones: Artificial bodies Hildmor uses to avoid a violent end. Their amount, weaknesses and production technology is unknown. If his current body is destroyed, the soul recalls towards another one unless it's trapped. It's not apparent for the first glance if Hildmor's using an artificial or a real body. If Hildmor has to switch bodies, the new one is consirered very tired for 1 day. This ability can be countered by a Soul Bind spell or other soul-taking powers, see below.

2)Soul taint: 50% of Hildmor's soul consists of Shadow Energy which is normally spread  inside his current body, providing following abilties and traits. Only his passive abilities function in brightly lit places:

Shadow Zen. He can leave his body for a short moment and 'manifest' as a inititally formless Shadow for around 20 minutes. He gains all traits of an incorporeal spirit in that state and may only use spells to affect the material world unless he uses a spell which would allow him to manifest fully on the current plane. In his Shadow form he may only use spells which do not have a material component and only those he had previously memorized. If he doesn't return to his body within 20 minutes, said clone dies and the 'spirit' begins its journey to another one, which takes a few hours. Same happens if that spirit form is defeated in battle but then it has some delay. This also allowes him to protect himself from Soul Bind but only to some extent, it may be cast on the spirit quite reliably but provokes a Saving Throw and works only if the caster remains within range. Ofcourse, if stranded or mortally wounded, he may attempt to escape this way. If for some reason he doesn't do it while Soul Bind or any spell like that is cast, saving throw is still allowed due to the augmentation. In that case the spell may be available as per the PnP rule, 1 round after death per 1 Caster Level. In short, while his Shadow Form may seem superior to his mortal body in a way but it's a very temporal and limited solution.

Lesser Shadow Zen. Hildmor may manifest his nature in smaller ways. For example, he can move and turn any shadow in the room, even if it's new positioning would seem entirely unnatural. That would slowly revert back to normal when his concentration is lost but while he's at it, he may hide better or amplify his abilities by creating thick darkness.  ((Hide in Plain Sight))

Unaging. Normally, the shadow essence in his soul is busy blocking the aging proccesses of his body. In short, he doesn't grow older than he is, nothing fancy.

Regenaration: Hildmor slowly regenerates his health(Mechanical:Items). That will not work if he's dead, ofcourse.

Darkvision: Well, friggin' darkvision.

3)Shadow Adept: Hildmor can cast any Shadow-Magic specific spells which DM allows him to cast(Examples would include Shadow Walk, Shadow Stash, Creeping Shadow from 2ed, etc). All his magic draws its power from the Plane of Shadow anyway, even if it's not apparent for an untrained eye due to concealment(another Shadow Mage/person very familiar with Shadow Magic may roll an opposed Spellcraft Roll to see what they can find out about his magic). Ofcourse, his magic is weakened if he has to use it in very bright places where few actual shadows are present and he's somewhat empowered in darkness.

4)The Wands. 1) A solidified piece of Shadow Energy Hildmor uses to amplify himself and fake some abilities he normally has no hold of. (Mechanically a few renamed wands). 2)A mastercraft bone wand with several cores, used for same purposes. (Mechanically a few more renamed wands).

Reputation Traits: Now this is entirely up to DM of the campaign, this is just guidelines. These may apply to other known Cartel members as well in some cases.

Criminal encounter: 40% chance of them to be neuntral or never have heard of Cartel, 30% hostile/rival, 30% friendly/afraid/ally.

Merchant encounter: Same as above.

Law enforcement: 50% unheard of, 30% hostile, 20% bought or allie. This mostly depends on alignments.

Fiends: As per normal, except Grenpoli Baatezu, which would mostly be friendly or atleast diplomatic.

There are more defined enemy or friendly factions/groups but those will give be given away to the DM which currently rance the campaign. The above are just temporal guidelines.

-- Edited by admin on Wednesday 28th of November 2012 01:31:59 PM

Lord Reppington of Reptopia
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Edited a bit, added a few reputation for Zigguard, I'd say they're quite different xD. Also, I have to remind people that this thread is about unusual/special characteristics. No need to spoil anything about the character unless required! :P

-- Edited by admin on Wednesday 28th of November 2012 01:36:40 PM

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Name: Ashalle "Raven" Swain

Race: Immortal Human

Age: physically around 22, chronologically over 127

Special Powers:

1)Blessings of Hextor: As a champion of Hextor, Ashalle Swain was granted many a divine boon:

  • - Physical and mental immortality; (RP)
  • - Exceptional mental fortitude, to the point of being fearless; (High will saves, fear immunity)
  • - Exceptional resilience, to the point of being unhindered by any sort of pain; (High Fortitude saves, 500+ HP)
  • - A lesser form of Devil's Sight: the ability to see perfectly in magical and non-magical darkness up to 300' (Darkvision)
  • - And the ability to magically manipulate her voice to inspire even greater dread. (50+ ranks in intimidate)


2)Champion of Tyranny: A warrior who fights with such fervor for the forces of tyranny eventually earns a fraction of the fiends' respect. She may consult with fiends of Lawful alignment and is viewed by such as someone taking the right steps with their mortal lives. (Divine Champion, Blackguard levels)

3)Dread Commander: In the most bitter of situations, fear itself can be the most powerful foe, for it when it appears, primal instincts can take over a rational mind quickly. It can either cripple an army or drive it to do things unimaginable under normal circumstances. Ashalle Swain knows that too well. Whenever she issues a rallying cry or gives a speech before battle, she rolls an intimidate check to bolster the urgency or importance of her commands. If an ally willingly aknowledges such, they may not be intimidated by any other source which doesn't match or exceed the commander's initial roll and gain a bonus to saves vs. fear. (Aura of Courage, RP)

4)Dark Arts: As many a blackguard, Ashalle is skilled in the darker side of alchemy and medicine, able to concoct the vilest of poisons without suffering any ill effects. She may also cast a limited number of profane spells, as per the blackguard class.

5)Tyranny's Voice: As a lesser form of magic, she may manipulate her voice to bolster her intimidation checks, either by making it sound super-natural, boomingly loud or silent as the last whisper before death. (High Intimidate scores)

6)Fury of the Scourge: As a high ranking champion of a war deity, Ashalle may call upon Hextor's might to either enhance her attack's with zealous might (Divine Might) or her shield's sturdiness in the face of heretics and chaos-spawn (Divine Shield). In the direst of circumstances, she may also chant an unholy prayer to become a living manifestation of Hextor's fury, her attacks becoming so precise and devastating that one might think the six-armed war deity has possessed her.  (Divine Wrath)

7)Hopemourne, the Blade of Eternal Nightmares: In the possession of Ashalle Swain is the ancient runeblade known as Hopemourne, with an elder manifestation of dread and paranoia trapped within it. The blade is made out of masterwork cold-iron, enchanted to exceptional prowess and marked by a dozen binding runes. Being of Baatorian make, it is naturally stronger and more potent against chaotic or good foes. The sentient spirit witihin is loosely caged, for it grants the blade a powerful touch of negative energy and siphons life force to it's wielder aswell as tearing bits and pieces off the souls of all it touches. However, the most unnerving part of that spirit is it's sentience and ability to seamlessly ignore magical protections and wards as it whispers unnerving truths and lies into the mind of those who dare look at this blade for too long. It claims to hunger for it's freedom, but who or what would dare release a creature claimed to have been imprisoned by a deity?

-- Edited by Tomekk on Wednesday 28th of November 2012 01:49:32 PM


The Wonders of Ork Technology

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Awkward; much if this is going to sound a lot like Hildmor despite never having seen or met the character in game. Great minds right?

Name: Ziguard Tiberius Selten the 11th (or was it the 12th...)

Race: ...Augmented human...well about 99% human really. Just enough Fey in his blood to have natural green hair. This time.

1) Clones. Starting to see the resemblance? Ziggy usually has a spare clone of himself stored somewhere in case he meets an untimely end. His soul travels to mentioned location and inhabits the new body. Sometimes he adds extra things into his clones, for fun, such as a little fey to make his hair naturally green - typically this is mostly a cosmetic effect, although often translates into unpredictable alternations to his base personality (He hasn't been very stable since the first incarnation really...). He's never had the foresight to actually create more than one clone at a time for some reason (and likely never will) and this clones take roughly 1 year to grow to a usable point. After inhabiting his new body, he typically has months (sometimes years) of major memory loss until his soul/mind fully integrate into the new body (this also typically varies depending on how much tinkering he does to his new form). He has not yet come back as a woman, but, he has considered it from time to time; it's good to try on different perspectives. Soul traps and things of that nature would probably prevent his soul from reaching its new body.

2) Soul Taint....just kidding!

2.1) Master Alchemist. He is extremely knowledgeable about hallucinogens and just about any form of recreational drug you can imagine. He's done it all, mostly likely many times. This one is hard to define, but so far it's been demonstrated that he can take other people's formulas and alter them to get similar but different results.

3) Fuzzy Logic. Ziggy can retain a high level of function when under the effects of most mind altering substances. This is due in part because he has a vast amount of experience using them on himself, but also because his mind is literally compartmentalized into different partially functioning sections. He has often claimed to be able to keep up to 7 different trains of thought at once. The down side is that he typically has a hard time really focusing on any one thing as well as others do. This also leads him to keep bizarre notation - one subject can span through dozens of books, segments of it written on different pages. This is not an intentional form of cryptography, but just the way his mind works.

4) Running Away. Over the year's Ziggy has found that often times running away is the best temporary solution to a problem, thus he has perfected it. To this end, he can appear to disappear right before your eyes (Hide in Plain Sight) and he is really really good at it. How does he do it? Well...that's complicated, but, he thinks it might have something to do with subconsciously wiling those who observe him to simply not see him anymore.

5) Darkvision. Because it's always better to be able to see where you're running to.

6) Dragon Ritual Magic. At one point in time he could use this magic to transform himself into a Dragon and to be able to create incredibly powerful wards against most forms of magical beings, often requiring substantial risk to himself in the process. He used one such ritual to temporarily hold back Dace's powerful Entity once, although it very nearly killed him. Currently this knowledge is lost to him and may or may not ever be recovered.

7) Hypnotist. Ziggy is very adept at using inducing hypnotic suggestions into willing subjects.

8) Time travel. Apparently now has the ability to travel in time and to alternate time lines due to attempting to create a time travel spell that would allow him to travel 1 second into the future. He tried to use the spell in a way not intended, and was thus randomly thrown forward in time to various degrees. A Chronomancer "centered" him with her powers and, in theory, he can now travel through the time stream at will, although he has not yet done so, as he regards the manipulation of time to be a very heinous act. (Note: I would likely never use this power, unless it is very specifically requested or suggested by a DM to do so. Please never ask me to use this power. I was hesitant to even list it as it was never intentionally a power I wanted the character to have.)

9) Ad-lib Wizardry. Ziggy never bothers to learn ALL of the necessary steps to properly cast spells, preferring to figure it out more or less on the fly. This means his spells do occasionally work differently than intended. It's truly a wonder that they work at all, but, they usually do what he wants them to, and typically do something even if it's not exactly what he meant to conjure. He's only had a spell fail to do anything at all (that he's aware of, but actually....) twice in his 212 year career as an Eccentric Wizard (Class pending approval).

Additionally this would allow him to theoretically learn and cast any general purpose magic spell if given sufficient preparation time.

10) Mental bond with Vilanth. At one point Vilanth used her special power to mind walk into his crazy brain (brave lass) and help extract some memories he had intentionally locked away. During the encounter, they were interrupted which caused a strange permanent link to exist between them. It seems to function at almost any distance on a plane they both cohabitate, but is not extra planar. Simple feelings and thoughts leak through the bond, and occasionally in high stress situations there is minor telepathic ability at close range. This does not 1. Allow controlled transmission of feelings, although the link can be suppressed by either party. 2. Allow full blown telepathic communication, and thus while one might know the other is Afraid or Suffering, they would not know the source of the emotion or where the other is on the same plane.

11. Life transference. Through the alternation of a normally evil ritual, Ziggy can transfer his own life force into another, even once partially and then fully reversing the undead state of another character, although it killed his original physical body doing so. It is not known if this would work on any form of undeath or just the specific affliction he researched the spell to fix in the first place. He also knows how to take life force and thus rejuvenate and pro-long his own life, but considers this to be a reprehensible use of the magic. He also has a theory on how to transfer life force between two people other than himself, although he has never attempted to do this. He currently does not have access to this magic and it may be lost permanently.

12. Creation of theoretical magical items. He can create a magic item to just about theory. Although the requirements and materials needed are often absurdly hard if not impossible to obtain, and even then the chance of the item working exactly as he imagines it should....well the odds are somewhat low. No doubt though, it will do SOMETHING somewhat related to it's original intent.

This ability also extends to fixing non-standard magical objects. What I mean by this is, not items that are typically equipped, but are things such as Spelljammers, Magical Engines, Experimental Golems, etc. While this seems pretty open ended, it's good to remember that these things should typically not work perfectly or always as expected.

Lord of the Forge
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Tomekk wrote:


1)Blessings of Hextor: As a champion of Hextor, Ashalle Swain was granted many a divine boon:

  • - Physical and mental immortality; (RP)
  • - Exceptional mental fortitude, to the point of being fearless; (High will saves, fear immunity)
  • - Exceptional resilience, to the point of being unhindered by any sort of pain; (High Fortitude saves, 500+ HP)
  • - A lesser form of Devil's Sight: the ability to see perfectly in magical and non-magical darkness up to 300' (Darkvision)
  • - And the ability to magically manipulate her voice to inspire even greater dread. (50+ ranks in intimidate)


-- Edited by Tomekk on Wednesday 28th of November 2012 01:49:32 PM


Uh....could you clarify the immortality part? I assume this means "doesn't age/ go bat**** insane with time" rather than "only kryptonite may ever fell her" ? :P 



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Immortal is not the same invincible... she doesn't age physically, nor mentally. (Mechanically that means no age related penalties to physical attributes and no wisdom bonus from old age, either.)


The Wonders of Ork Technology

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So about Kala :

- Elder Soul : Kala's sould was there before humans existed and participated in the early wars of order and chaos, since this happened eons ago Kala does not remember well as her memory is kept by her soul, she might have reminescenses of it sometimes for good or ill.

- Immortal Soul : If Kala body is deadly injured or destroyed, her soul will not go to any plane, she will change body if she can or wish so. Her original body can be restored and ressurected for a few hours for her to come back if not it might be the original owner of the body who may come back. If not she must choose the nearest body available within a day, humans are the most suited and it won't work with outsiders or any beign with powerfull souls. The possesed person Soul is expelled out of the body and is considered as dead with no means of ressurection until Kala holds it. Her Soul cannot be destroyed unless she decides so (see below) and is very hard to bind, yet it can be trapped. If she dosen't find any suitable body she'll be put on stasis wich usualy lasts a good hundred years if not more.

- Corruptible Soul : If Kala's soul is out of her body, she's very vulnerable to the far realm influences. She also must behave in the way of her element : air. Which means keeping some emotional distance, able to walk free, having new things to do and discover often etc... If she's too much influenced by the far realm and does not cope with her element, she'll become corrupted wich means she'll loose her air affinity and instead and become something else, wich may lead her to decide to end her existence at some point or become something very unpleasant.

- Air affinity : Kala posses a real empathy with the air element at the point that it reflects on her personality but as well giving her a few abilites she developed along with her monk abilites. She can fade to be "like the air" : hide in plain sight. She does have a few innate powers (wands/items that are renamed : becoming etheral once per day, able to cast storm avatar once per day, see invisible, invisibility, displacment). She does have a hard time to everything that is related to the element of earth like staying underground for to long or visiting the earthplane.

- Darkvision : She's able to see in darkness like in daylight.

- Truenamer : Kala has started to learn the truename language, if she has the correct and very precisce informations she can perform some rituals in that aeras but it can be risky. Most of her abilites are limited to herself as she's able to transform herself usualy taking an air elemental shape and using her air affinity powers.

- Beleiver of the source : Kala is a beleiver of the source, she does have the mechanical advantages of her faction of beign well tolerant and openminded, because they do beleive everything has potential.

- God in beign : Kala is able to cast a few ranger spells from her own faith in herself (as long she beleive in herself of course). She does know a variety of rangers spells as well.

- Monk : As a monk her body is immune to diseases and poisons, she can aslo move very quickly and use her sixth sense in combat.

- Fiend hunter : Ranger favoured ennemie, Kala does know quite a lot about fiends she fought many times in her existence, she understand and speak both thier languages.


Artifacts :

- The Book : Kala does hold a book that whispers things from the far realm, the informations are very crypitc and unprecise as well as risky for mental sanity.

- The staff of command : Kala does posses a staff of command, it makes her able to influence or mentaly dominate weak minds (With the classic spells).

-- Edited by Hydra on Friday 30th of November 2012 02:56:27 PM

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For others abilities :
- It'll be fine if we have a widget item for "innate powers" instead of renamed items and wands. That will bring more limitations to the thing.
- If you have darkvision your character should have it mechanically speaking as feat, not as a spell.

Scar Guard
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Vilanth Thistlewind

Sorcerer Sion- Blood Mark of Mesos
Vilanth belives her 'abilties' are based in Sorcery.
In an attempt to help Ziguard with his Memory and to repair his mind Vilanth 'Crafted' a spell that with Ziguard's permission allowed her to explore His mind in and attempt to repair his memory. Unfortunately an interruption during this attempt has caused an interesting link between Ziguard and herself. They are not able to communicate by this connection though can sense each others emotions when they are very strong.

Vilanth has also been experimenting and potentially altering the Message spell.

The Archbuilder
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Name: Sasha

Race: Tiefling (she's in denial, though, don't expect her to admit it)

Unique characteristics:
1) Living Vampire: Like Dace, Sasha lives mostly off of blood (and possibly hearts) rather than normal food. She hasn't given up normal food, and still insists on regular meals. Unlike Dace, she does not feed off of souls, or magical energy.

2) Sasha's Mirror: Sasha casts her spells using her mirror as her focus, instead of using standard material or somantic components. Without her mirror she cannot cast spells.

It hasn't come up yet, but its possible that Sasha cannot survive in non-magic zones (she isn't in a hurry to try it).


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Tag/Alias: Mir


Name: Mir Fnar ioh Noumea'do Arolui'kalai yo Mir'habati lo Atar'ro Oruro'oa ioh Sefil'hokta Dene'maj Chao'rotto Lui'ki mor Ninj'kari ioh Sunn'eriki Hjyng'kari Krtsm'owa Hjirn'aro Bahurist io Jirnoh zoi Cerim'ts

Race: Sava'ii; she looks similar to Tieflings, but that is just superficial.

Age: unknown; aeons and then some. Visually 18-20.

Special Powers/Quirks/Gimmicks:

  • Weirdness Magnet; her mere presence can cause more-than-unusual and unpredictable and unforeseeable events to occur, many of the kind that could never happen to anyone else. To quote someone, “if any other person had come at me with such a load of crap, I would have probably sent the boor barmy to the Gatehouse, but when Mir Fnar was involved... the unbelievable could become plain normal – just as easily as the normal could become a serious mess.”


  • Species (Sava'ii); a race of beings that came into existence before the gods were conceived, back when there was nothing but chaos and elemental forces. As a species they are as old or older than the multiverse itself. They are rare, very, very rare – during their travels, a member of the species might see another once every dozen or so millennia. Virtually this makes Mir a completely unique entity for as far as she is aware of there is no other of her kind within boundaries of Phlogiston and its Primes.


  • Species Veil; whatever form she takes (but not counting forms made with mundane magic) is her True Form from there on, indistinguishable with or without True Seeing. (Racial Trait)


  • Immortal; not invincible, yet eternal. (Racial Trait)


  • Fast Healing; (OC item-based, IC Racial Trait)


  • No Breath & No Metabolism; she can breath, eat and drink, at least mimick such, but she does not need to. Her species is vacuum/space-born, not ground based. The species "feeds" on the most readily present form of energy of all - cosmic rays, a process vaguely similar in effect to plant photosynthesis. (Racial Trait)


  • Multiple Forms; shifts form/race at will. Her forms include things like a horned devil, a balor, succubus, water and fire elementals, shadow/shade, and a number of more mundane forms (from a weasel to an unicorn). (OC item-based, IC Racial Trait)


  • Eidetic Memory. Ditto.


  • High Priestess of Mystra; a station she acquired long before Myth Drannor's fall while in the said city. Unique relationship in the sense that Mir does not worship nor has worshiped any gods or beings whatsoever. She learns spells like wizards do, but casts them with the ease of a sorceress (any and all at whim without memorizing anything). She does not need material components for her spells. She is among the almost non-existent clique of entities who anymore know how to create Mythals.


((Guess that gives the basics...))


[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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Clarification about Forms: Mir doesn't get any special racial powers of the forms she takes/possesses, just the superficial form (looks, feel, scent, sound, beyond that the rest's Acting/Bluff/etc).

-- Edited by anikaiful on Thursday 17th of January 2013 12:42:01 PM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
Lord of the Forge
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At some point in the very near future, we'll all need to discuss the sheer number of immortal characters being drafted here due to certain balance issues it presents.

Mir: Uhm.... how does your character classify as a HIGH priestess of a goddess when she doesn't worship said goddess... ?



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The how: in short, it's purely due what she is and how she handles magic and how she sees the existence in general. The information details are in Mir's SCoD bio as so far as I've been made aware of her past by the DMs. Her past is a WIP as she recalls more and more details as time passes - majority of her past was decidedly forgotten for some time (and partially given into hands of DMs to decide upon).

-- Edited by anikaiful on Monday 21st of January 2013 10:52:38 AM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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Since we decided that we'll have no closes ties with Sigil for various many reasons. I think its good if you figure out yourself what you wish for your char and not wait for the Sigil's DMs answer.

Also as DM I'd like to know more about the Sava'i if you can provide any more lore about them, without spoiling your entire char that'll be for the best I think.

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Hydra wrote:

Since we decided that we'll have no closes ties with Sigil for various many reasons. I think its good if you figure out yourself what you wish for your char and not wait for the Sigil's DMs answer.

Also as DM I'd like to know more about the Sava'i if you can provide any more lore about them, without spoiling your entire char that'll be for the best I think.

 Will post some of the lore (as PM as it's strictly for DM-eyes-only, as there's not a snowball's chance in hell than any PC (or NPC of any kind) would've ever get to know anything about the species, unless heard directly from Mir herself).

-- Edited by anikaiful on Tuesday 22nd of January 2013 11:02:33 AM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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anikaiful wrote:

The how: in short, it's purely due what she is and how she handles magic and how she sees the existence in general. The information details are in Mir's SCoD bio as so far as I've been made aware of her past by the DMs. Her past is a WIP as she recalls more and more details as time passes - majority of her past was decidedly forgotten for some time (and partially given into hands of DMs to decide upon).

-- Edited by anikaiful on Monday 21st of January 2013 10:52:38 AM

 And back after getting a new and functional computer...

Bit of wording misconception from my part, thus replacing the words "high priestess" with "chosen/chosen of"; and in theme of the situation, a quote from elsewhere:

"Also known as Zedriniset, one becomes the chosen a vessel for the powers and wrath of the goddess. For a short time Lolth made Liriel Baenre a Chosen and helped her in the battle of Ruathym and against the priestess Shakti Hunzrin. Being chaotic and cruel, the goddess did this against the will of Liriel."

One doesn't even need to like the deity to be chosen...

-- Edited by anikaiful on Tuesday 12th of February 2013 11:02:43 PM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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Name: Alan Lane

Race: Celestial Heritage (Genealogy: Son of Ramiel, Half-Celestial Cleric of Ilmater. Grandson of Yerachmel, Astral deva)

Unique characteristics:

Chosen of Pelor: 

Immunities: A Chosen of Pelor is immune to fire damage as well as drowning effects in lava. The Chosen is immune to aging and disease and he also have no need to sleep (although he must rest normally in order to be able to prepare spells).

True Daylight (Ex): The Chosen can use one of his turn undead uses for the day to empower a daylight spell he casts with positive energy. The resulting daylight effect has a smaller radiance radius and a shorter, inconstant duration, however, the daylight created is equavalent of daylight for the purpose of the effect on creatures that are damaged or destroyed by right light.

Photosynthesis (Ex): A Chosen of Pelor gains strength and sustenance from the Sun. As long as the Chosen is out in direct sunlight for 8 hours, he gains fast healing equal to 1/2 his hit die (to a maximum of 10 at level 20) rounded down. He also does not need to eat or sleep in that time (though if he casts prepared spells he must still receive 8 hours of rest to do so). If the Chosen is simply outside on a cloudy day or is exposed to less than a full 8 hours of direct sunlight, he still receives fast healing equal to 1/4 his hit die (to a maximum of 5 at level 20) rounded down, but must eat and sleep as normal.

Turn Undead (Su): A Chosen of Pelor can turn undead as a cleric 3 levels higher.



RP wise, Alan isn't aware of all this property yet.

-- Edited by JMarquis on Tuesday 26th of February 2013 05:02:34 AM




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since i spotted this topic, i'll add jall


name: Jall Iguro Golgherro ((clan's name is not showed IG, just the first and tribe's names))

race: strongheart halfling (though by rp it may be slightly different, maybe similar to ghostwise, or maybe not)

age: apparently 30

Abilities: great stealther and arcane archer, trained in wilderness and assassination tactics and capacities

wand and potion maker, practiced alchemist, pickpocketing

slight arcane and divine (from her tribe's phanteon) spellcasting abilities, can trick magic items easily. has a permanent cat, bear, and  young bear with her (familiar, companion, cohort). 

a slight acquired resilience to harm after a certain pain ritual she'd rather not speak of. 

ability to fade from view using both camouflage and novice knowledge of shadow melding. once she could see in the dark, but currently seems to have lost such power, maybe after a crysis.

Tattoes: her body is widely covered in renewed tattoes, which are most likely magical, besides carrying her tribe's symbols. A sure effect is to improve her stealth skills, but the others are yet unknown ((still to be decided, so this may be discussed))

Tribe obscure knowledge: she believes her big and old tribe holds several secret practices developed along the centuries, some generic, some specific to each of the twelve clans the tribe is composed of. Are not common knowledge, and some might have been fall in disuse. Since her importance in the tribe improved due to the services she did in sigil for the tribe (knowledge, resources, potential allies), she may gain easier access and study to them over time ((and anyway, are still to be decided, though i have some ideas )). She may have already learned one or two of those practices during the last period of time, but if so, it is still kept in secret.



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Name: Eve

Race: Tiefling/Construct hybrid

Unique characteristics:

1) Planeswalking: Eve has the ability to create portals to anywhere in the Multiverse save to and from Sigil. Once she has opened a portal she can not open another for twenty-four hours.

2) Ageless: Eve does not age due to her special heritage. She was created in a lab with a single drop of Asmodeus' blood and seriously diluted by human blood. Because of this and the runic construct magic used she will never age. She can die by any normal means however.

3) Super Intelligent: Eve has grown up a genius. She has always picked up on her studies much easier than her other siblings. Eve studies anything she comes across learning everything she can about it. Her travels through the multiverse have given her a great pool of knowledge to draw on. She also has previous experience working on a spell jammer in the engineering department.

Howdy Y'all!
The Archbuilder
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JMarquis wrote:

Name: Alan Lane

Race: Celestial Heritage (Genealogy: Son of Ramiel, Half-Celestial Cleric of Ilmater. Grandson of Yerachmel, Astral deva)

Unique characteristics:

Chosen of Pelor: 

Immunities: A Chosen of Pelor is immune to fire damage as well as drowning effects in lava. The Chosen is immune to aging and disease and he also have no need to sleep (although he must rest normally in order to be able to prepare spells).

. . . 

 Is Alan's immunity something that he already has mechanically wise? I know a lot of people put down things that are reflected in mechanics, which is good (and generally means it automatically ok), but it then gets confusing which is which when such isn't noted.


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MimiFearthegn wrote:
 Is Alan's immunity something that he already has mechanically wise? I know a lot of people put down things that are reflected in mechanics, which is good (and generally means it automatically ok), but it then gets confusing which is which when such isn't noted.

It can be achieved by casting an extended version of Energy Immunity. It lasts 48 hours. If is not ok, I'll rewrite all the property to fit them the mechanical way.





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Name: Gnolls "The Eliminator" Royce

Race: Gnoll

Age: Not telling ;)

Weight: Very rude of you to even ask, next question

Unique abilities:

Fur: Has fur. Grants hypothetical resistance to cold, and +3 to Cuddle checks. Sometimes sheds. Rarely accepts responsibility for leaving hair around the ship.

Law Degree of Dubious Merit: Earned his law training at a law school somewhere in Sigil. He is very cagey (CAGE-Y) about which. When pressed on the matter, he will often politely excuse himself via a dimension door spell.

Briefcase: Owns a briefcase. Equally adept at storing things inside of it, or bludgeoning things with it.

Other miscellaneous skills: Piloting, swordfighting, heroism, communications, diplomacy, marksmanship, demolitions, looting.

The Archbuilder
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JMarquis wrote:
It can be achieved by casting an extended version of Energy Immunity. It lasts 48 hours. If is not ok, I'll rewrite all the property to fit them the mechanical way.


 Oh, no, that's fine. Like I said, I was just curious in case of it being a reeeeally round about way of requesting a fire immunity widget. :P


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The Archbuilder
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Discopanda wrote:

Fur: Has fur. Grants hypothetical resistance to cold, and +3 to Cuddle checks. Sometimes sheds. Rarely accepts responsibility for leaving hair around the ship.

 That, right there, is entirely overpowered and Gnolls must do something about it immediately. No character should ever be given the power of shedding!




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MimiFearthegn wrote:
 Oh, no, that's fine. Like I said, I was just curious in case of it being a reeeeally round about way of requesting a fire immunity widget. :P

 No, no widget... Hydra was really clear about widget. I'll keep all that stuff in Role. And I'll justify what I can with mechanical items/spells/feats




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MimiFearthegn wrote:
Discopanda wrote:

Fur: Has fur. Grants hypothetical resistance to cold, and +3 to Cuddle checks. Sometimes sheds. Rarely accepts responsibility for leaving hair around the ship.

 That, right there, is entirely overpowered and Gnolls must do something about it immediately. No character should ever be given the power of shedding!



 Why would you nerf cuddles :(

Lord Reppington of Reptopia
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Don't nerf shedding! That's totally unjustified and unrealistic!

The Archbuilder
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In a world without duct tape or vacuum cleaners, we are powerless against shedding. It is quite literally the ability-without-any-counter, and thus completely overpowered.


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One day, Dace finds a single gnoll hair on his bed. And the rumors around the ship begin to swirl...

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Why It seems that my post about Alan's special abilities would not edit. I've edited the post yesterday and the procedure was completed without problem.
Now I was going to read it, and is the older version. Weird.




Scar Guard
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Posts: 104
Um.. on the matter of dealing with shedding >.> just means someone has to brush gnolls out.. or take a gust of wind spell to him to blow his fur out while on the outer deck. ;)

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