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Topic: Mir's Ship's Stats

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Mir's Ship's Stats

Well, it's just that I find it a bit ridiculous that her ship supposedly doesn't take damage from several battlecruisers pounding it's sides whilst the main party's ship, which is a dedicated combat vessel, took substantial whopping from just one.

-- Edited by Tomekk on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 08:00:15 PM


The Wonders of Ork Technology

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My comment was half-joky.

But yes if you don't want to be reasonable and turn godmod off, I don't think you'll be happy here.

-- Edited by Hydra on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 09:39:58 PM

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Hydra wrote:

My comment was half-joky, but yes if you don't want to be reasonable and godmod, I don't think you'll be happy here.

-- Edited by Hydra on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 09:37:29 PM

 And one of the best hypocritic comments ever... *bows* GG.

Anyhow, I fail to see the "god mode" there. I only see your own inadequacy to understand Spelljammer rulesbooks.

-- Edited by anikaiful on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 09:42:26 PM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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If a DM is hypocrite for running plot and that doesn't result in an auto-win for PCs, then so be it.


-- Edited by Hydra on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 09:53:26 PM

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MimiFearthegn wrote:

Thank you for posting the stats, Mir. However, posting stats does not make something automatically ok. Even if we did not tell you "no" to the jammer weeks ago (which we probably should have given that Ad Astra has been a one-ship one-party campaign server from day 1), that was not DM approval of a-ship-that-cannot-be-destroyed. Entertaining the notion that a single PC here has a ship of the same class as the Astra or Hanathar Battle Cruisers (which were already established IC to be quite effective in battle against ships of the same class) was pretty darn generous as it was.

And let's not pretend that its appearance on the forums was anything but Deus ex Machina, because I doubt Mir has so little to do with her life that she's been sitting outside of Mazran the past 3-4 weeks waiting for Hildmor to call her.

You have been insulting and acted as though we owed you something from the first day you posted on the forums. If you dislike Ad Astra or do not wish to actually be part of it, you are more than welcome to never show your face here again. We're hardly running a popularity contest.

 1) it can be destroyed. What's so hard to understand in Hit Dice and Hardness and weapon damages? But I've seen ship-vs-ship handled just plain wrong so far (= not at all, just by winding stuff from sleeve).

2) Mir hasn't been really anywhere near Mazran lately - not until someone contacted me on Steam wee bit before I did my posting.

I don't dislike Ad Astra, but aside so far one-time cameo appearance, no one has presented any sort of incentive to be around (which tho also walks hand-to-hand with the fact that I have not a slightest clue when there even is people around - the time's I've been on, there's been no one - so far managed to be around only *once* so that there has been someone else too, thanks to Reptiller for informing me then of others' presence).

-- Edited by anikaiful on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 10:11:38 PM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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The latter certainly doesn't seem to be the case with Mir, if she has her own ship.

This is definitely a topic we would have preferred to discus about before things escalate, same as some of your character abilities and background. Not saying we would want to cut everything, but mostly know more and make your char more "balanced" how vague the term is towards the rest of the party and possibly well implemented as well.

I'll underline we aren't a full persistant server, so there are loads of time we are not playing, that is why the steam group exists, for people to ask around when things happen. And yes, having his character beign intrested into venturing with our character and somewhat getting well along with them is also something quite important and we where probably too tolerant and passive about this in the begining.

-- Edited by Hydra on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 10:43:13 PM

The Archbuilder
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Moving this here because back and forth OOC discussions don't really belong in the IC section of the forums.

 Anikaiful: "TQ: (( sidenote: just saying, but technically speaking Hanathar can keep firing all day long before there's any substantial damage aboard ))"

Tomek: "//Uhm. How is that supposed to be balanced? :p "

Anikaiful: "(( depends on from whom you ask. Me? Balanced in comparison to what exactly? Pinballs? Anyhow - I posted the link just because I was asked to so that the Deus Ex Machinas can take off their proverbial tin foil hats. I fail to see what purpose that'll serve in the end though, Tangerine got already more entangled in writing than I intended - at Ad Astra it wasn't meant to become more than a footnote. ))"



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Balance says Mir's ship disapear because a god farted.

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As you wish, but so shall I disappear. Seen enough of the hypocritic backstabbing asshattery already.


[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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The Wonders of Ork Technology

The Archbuilder
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Thank you for posting the stats, Mir. However, posting stats does not make something automatically ok. Even if we did not tell you "no" to the jammer weeks ago (which we probably should have given that Ad Astra has been a one-ship one-party campaign server from day 1), that was not DM approval of a-ship-that-cannot-be-destroyed. Entertaining the notion that a single PC here has a ship of the same class as the Astra or Hanathar Battle Cruisers (which were already established IC to be quite effective in battle against ships of the same class) was pretty darn generous as it was.

And let's not pretend that its appearance on the forums was anything but Deus ex Machina, because I doubt Mir has so little to do with her life that she's been sitting outside of Mazran the past 3-4 weeks waiting for Hildmor to call her.

You have been insulting and acted as though we owed you something from the first day you posted on the forums. If you dislike Ad Astra or do not wish to actually be part of it, you are more than welcome to never show your face here again. We're hardly running a popularity contest.


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The Archbuilder
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1) You're outnumbered by 2 1/2 (i.e. one's damaged) ships of the same class, and at least four more frigates, all armed with the established best guns out there (we stole some for just this reason earlier). They also got to start out surrounding you because of how you charged in. They're not magicy rift creating guns, but they are meant to pierce hulls and damage other equally big ships--significantly. Its forum rp, and you didn't offer any rolls or stats to start with--I had to look them up myself--so don't complain that there are no numbers just because you don't like being hit.

2) If Mir wasn't around, she shouldn't have shown up and jumped into the middle of a battle she didn't know about, should she?

For the record, it is assumed that players who come here have 1) had the premise explained to them; if this didn't happen, yell at Rep, and 2) have characters interested in joining the Astra's crew. The latter certainly doesn't seem to be the case with Mir, if she has her own ship.


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MimiFearthegn wrote:

1) You're outnumbered by 2 1/2 (i.e. one's damaged) ships of the same class, and at least four more frigates, all armed with the established best guns out there (we stole some for just this reason earlier). They also got to start out surrounding you because of how you charged in. They're not magicy rift creating guns, but they are meant to pierce hulls and damage other equally big ships--significantly. Its forum rp, and you didn't offer any rolls or stats to start with--I had to look them up myself--so don't complain that there are no numbers just because you don't like being hit.

2) If Mir wasn't around, she shouldn't have shown up and jumped into the middle of a battle she didn't know about, should she?

For the record, it is assumed that players who come here have 1) had the premise explained to them; if this didn't happen, yell at Rep, and 2) have characters interested in joining the Astra's crew. The latter certainly doesn't seem to be the case with Mir, if she has her own ship.

Tangerine's been in worse messes. But anyhow, if Mir couldn't logically be there - okay... fine... retrofit, a bad pipe dream for all and life goes on. Mir'll drop by later when her dealings elsewhere are concluded (yes, she travels a -lot- and that's what's she been doing instead of sitting idle for weeks).

2.2.) now, being part of the crew (or not being part of it) status was clear before Ad Astra even existed. Mir told to Dace that she'd -visit-, -with- her own ship. That's about it. She was (and is) intended as Visitor, Guest, aboard.

-- Edited by anikaiful on Sunday 24th of March 2013 08:03:59 AM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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Hydra wrote:

This is definitely a topic we would have preferred to discus about before things escalate, same as some of your character abilities and background. Not saying we would want to cut everything, but mostly know more and make your char more "balanced" how vague the term is towards the rest of the party and possibly well implemented as well.

 Now, characters... - yeah, riiiiiight. I'll just point a finger all around and poke at the others' backgrounds - mh, "no issues here", how... quaint? In comparison to most I've read so far, she's not even unusual. So, the conclusion is - Mir's just not wanted to be around, in one form or the other, am I right? Oh, yes, it's rather clear that I am right.

-- Edited by anikaiful on Sunday 24th of March 2013 08:09:21 AM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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Tomekk wrote:

But then again, the one time I recall seeing Mir, all she did was stay back from all the action and find mild amusement in snickering at what the puny mortals were doing with their short, miserable lives. That isn't exactly a prime way of getting involved, y'know.

Aside Isaacing a bunch of fiends, there wasn't really much for her to do aside listening to others (which I found entertaining in itself, really :) ).

-- Edited by anikaiful on Sunday 24th of March 2013 12:21:36 PM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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MimiFearthegn wrote:

Oh, and coming in as a visitor only? So you just wanted the DM's to come up with a reason for you to be at whatever random place we are every time you decided to grace us with your presence? No. We have stories to run and people who are actually interested to introduce.

But your conclusion is right--no, you're not welcome here. If we'd been consulted before Reptiller invited you, the answer would have been no, and since then, you've done everything possible to make yourself less welcome.

Back when Mir told she'd visit, I, player, had no idea there was to be a server - I thought it as SCoD side RP plot, not auxiliar. Anyhow...

And her age... you kinda missed the point I was refering to her -species-, not to herself. Anyhow, that's a moot point now anyway - discussion over, seems.

p.s.) Feel free to delete the character(s) associated with my GameSpy login.

-- Edited by anikaiful on Sunday 24th of March 2013 05:58:56 PM

[ Alea Iacta Est ]
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If you didn't want to get the ship involved in the first place, she could have simply flown away in it... this isn't Sigil, just as a reminder.

And if you don't feel involved or know when to play, well... you could always just ask me or anyone (except Reptiller, he'd rather just have Mr. Hildmor procrastinate somewhere than make a new character and get sh*t done :D) on Steam, it's not like we're purposefully hiding from you. But then again, the one time I recall seeing Mir, all she did was stay back from all the action and find mild amusement in snickering at what the puny mortals were doing with their short, miserable lives. That isn't exactly a prime way of getting involved, y'know.


The Wonders of Ork Technology

The Archbuilder
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anikaiful wrote:
Hydra wrote:

This is definitely a topic we would have preferred to discus about before things escalate, same as some of your character abilities and background. Not saying we would want to cut everything, but mostly know more and make your char more "balanced" how vague the term is towards the rest of the party and possibly well implemented as well.

 Now, characters... - yeah, riiiiiight. I'll just point a finger all around and poke at the others' backgrounds - mh, "no issues here", how... quaint? In comparison to most I've read so far, she's not even unusual. So, the conclusion is - Mir's just not wanted to be around, in one form or the other, am I right? Oh, yes, it's rather clear that I am right.


 Obviously we're very generous in what we allow since we all came from Sigil. Mir exceeds even the most powerful characters, however (Hildmor, Kala), and some of those powers were already under review. Seriously, older than the gods? Doesn't care about anything but is still the Chosen of Mystra just. . because? And we thought Kala having vague memories of a far off youth as an elemental, and Hildmor having clones was way up there.

Oh, and coming in as a visitor only? So you just wanted the DM's to come up with a reason for you to be at whatever random place we are every time you decided to grace us with your presence? No. We have stories to run and people who are actually interested to introduce.

But your conclusion is right--no, you're not welcome here. If we'd been consulted before Reptiller invited you, the answer would have been no, and since then, you've done everything possible to make yourself less welcome.


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Scar Guard
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I'm sad that things had to come to this..

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